Airflo Superflo Universal Taper

Sale price$ 100

Who says the proverbial jack of all trades is always a master of none? This line does it all - and beautifully so, at that.

A great all round taper with a wide range of applications. Loads at short range. Longer rear taper provides multiple pick up points. Casts a very wide range of fly sizes. Haul zone extends the usable head length. And the ultra-thin running line shoots like hell and takes up less spool space.

The best part about PVC FREE? It's better for the environment and lasts much longer than traditional PVC lines. 

Line Weight Airflo Superflo Universal WF7F Selected
Color Airflo Superflo Universal Moss-Chartreuse Selected
Density Airflo Superflo Universal Float Selected
Sale price$ 100

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